How to put a rubber grip on a cricket bat

cricket bat grip

Putting a rubber grip on a cricket bat is a simple and effective way to improve the feel and comfort of your bat. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:


  • Rubber grip

  • Scissors

  • Adhesive (e.g. contact cement, double-sided tape)

  • Cloth

  • Ruler or measuring tape

Step 1: Measure the handle

Before you start, you need to measure the handle of your cricket bat to ensure you get the right size rubber grip. If you already have a rubber grip, use a ruler or measuring tape to measure the length of the grip, including any overhang. If you don't have a grip, measure the length of the handle, including any space below the splice.

Step 2: Cut the grip to size

Once you have measured the handle, use scissors to cut the rubber grip to size. Make sure you cut the grip slightly longer than the handle, so that you have a little overhang at each end.

Step 3: Prepare the handle

Next, you need to prepare the handle for the rubber grip. If you are using contact cement, clean the handle thoroughly with a cloth and allow it to dry completely. If you are using double-sided tape, simply make sure the handle is clean and dry.

Step 4: Apply the adhesive

Apply the adhesive to the handle, or to the back of the rubber grip, depending on which type of adhesive you are using. If you are using contact cement, apply a thin, even layer to both the handle and the grip, then allow it to dry completely. This may take up to 15 minutes, depending on the brand. If you are using double-sided tape, simply apply a strip of tape along the length of the handle.

Step 5: Attach the grip

Once the adhesive has dried, attach the grip to the handle, making sure it is straight and centered. Use a cloth to smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles, and to ensure a tight bond between the handle and the grip. If you are using contact cement, it is best to use a cloth to press down on the grip, as this will help activate the bond.

Step 6: Trim the overhang

Once the grip is attached, use scissors to trim any overhang at the bottom of the handle. Be careful not to cut too much, as you want to make sure the grip stays securely in place.

Step 7: Test the grip

Finally, test the grip to make sure it is secure and comfortable. Hold the bat in your normal grip and make a few practice swings to check for any slipping or discomfort. If everything feels good, your cricket bat is ready to go!

Putting a rubber grip on a cricket bat is a simple and effective way to improve the feel and comfort of your bat. By following these steps, you can ensure a tight and secure grip that will last for many games to come.

Here’s a good video to help in the process. As always, this is something that your local cricket store can help with if needed.


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